Fibers( Natural way to remove gastric problems)

Dietary fibers: Dietary fibers are important materials in our food. Dietary fibers do not release energy. These are also termed to be roughage. They help us in easy digestion of food.
 They provide us bulkiness in the stomach. We feel stomach full of food. Green vegetables and leafy vegetables are rich in fiber content. Beans, peas, whole grain, potato skin, unpolished rice are also good sources of dietary fibers. Dietary fibers are necessary for the smooth movement of food in the alimentary canal. They provide bulk roughage to remove the undigested waste during defecation.   
  Improve your knowledge:
1) Which food has more fibers?
2) What is the main function of fibers?
3) What happens?  when there are no fibers in our food?
4) what is the natural way to remove gastric problems?
Good habits: ( for gastric problems)
  • Take food daily with time.
  • Take daily proper water at least 4 to 5 liters.
  • Take vegetables for lunch.
  • Don't take heavy food during the night.
  • Prohibit fast food like pizzas burgers cakes cool drinks etc.
  • Don't take heavy food like proteins and fats at night, it may take more time to digest.
  • Take dinner at least before 8 pm.
  • Don't take late dinner, it may cause digestive problems.
  • Take buttermilk after lunch.


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