Importance and tips of good sleep

Importance and tips of good sleep:
                                            In the sleeping process, there are many health principles. The great things that Ayurved created for human exile have a lot of experiments on everything and some formulas are created, one of these is sleeping.
  • Many people sleep when they eat, that's not the right method. At least one should walk one hundred feet after meals. If it is done, the food will fit in the stomach properly.
  • At least two hours after a meal one should awake, then sleep.
  • Lie down on the bed and turn on the left side for a half minute, then turn on the right side for 20 seconds, and then turn on straight for 15 seconds. After all, anybody may fall asleep in the same way as sleeping habits. But it's good to lie right side. If the rule follows, the food will be properly digested. Otherwise, constipation is formed and various epidemics develop from it.
Premature sleep - high sleep - night vigil:
                    That means sleeping over time or sleeping for a long time at night or being awake all night. Most people do not do the right thing, like sleeping for a long period. And some people do not even sleep at all, they experience a variety of bad habits. The people who do these type of things, which decrease their lifespan. That means unlike natural behavior, clumsy diseases cause a mere maladjustment to the man.
                                     So every man must make a sure timetable. Allow enough sleep time with regards to the occupation. If at night they do jobs or to study needs to awake, such people should sleep for a while before lunch in the afternoon. If we follow these rules, our health will be good. A healthy mind and a healthy body are essential for leading a happy and prosperous life.        


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